72V 30Ah Li-Ion Battery Pack for EVs, Scooters & Solar Systems

  • 500-cycle lifespan with Samsung/LG/Sanyo 18650 cells
  • Ultra-low 98mΩ internal resistance
  • Triple-output flexibility (20A/40A/60A)
  • -20°C to +60°C operational range
  • Space-efficient modular packaging
  • 100A over-current protection
  • UL-certified BMS safety system

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Tham số Value
Điện áp 72V
Dung tích 30Ah
Input 84V @ 5A/10A
Kích thước 290×160×100mm
Discharge Range -20°C to +60°C
Chu kỳ cuộc sống 500+ cycles
Xả đỉnh 60A
Loại tế bào 18650 (Samsung/LG/Sanyo)
Over-Current Protection 100A detection

Ứng dụng

High-Performance Electric Scooter Power Source

Ideal for high-speed scooters requiring stable 72V output, extended range (30Ah capacity), and fast recharging. Compatible with 20A-60A motor controllers for urban commuting or delivery fleets.

Electric Motorcycle Battery Upgrade

Supports high-torque motors with 40A/60A discharge options and -20°C to +60°C temperature tolerance for year-round riding.

Solar Energy Storage Integration

72V configuration aligns with solar array voltages, featuring 500-cycle lifespan and 98mΩ internal resistance for efficient renewable energy storage.

Industrial Equipment Power Solution

Compact 290x160x100mm design with 100A over-current protection for automated machinery, medical carts, and telecom infrastructure.

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